Our Story and Accomplishments



Since 1897, Women's Institutes have worked together to improve the living conditions for their families, communities and the world.      In 1919, the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario (FWIO) was formed to give W.I. branches a stronger voice by working together.


Today, FWIO supports and includes about 3,000 volunteer members in 250 Women's Institute Branches across Ontario.   FWIO is a non-partisan, non-sectarian and non-racial organization that operates for the equal good of all citizens in a democratic manner.


FWIO is a member of the Associated Country Women of the World (ACCWW).     This international organization represents more than 9 million members in over 75 countries.   


FWIO is also proud to be one of the original members of the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame.     Throughout Ontario, W.I branches: provide fun and friendship through monthly meetings and activities; promoted and initiate education programs that help to improve the health, nutrition and safety in homes and communities.



  • Pasteurization of milk and the formation of the Macdonald Institutes at the University of Guelph
  • Painting of white lines on Provincial highways
  • Music as part of the school curriculum
  • Family studies and nutrition education in schools
  • Mandadatory stopping for school buses with flashing lights
  • Signs at railroad crossings
  • Installation of three-point rear seat belts
  • Enforcement of handicapped parking
  • Legal enforcement of the Living Will
  • The establishment of Brock University
  • Funding for shelters for battered women
  • Clear marking on poison containers
  • Scholarships and bursaries for university education and opportunities for citizens in developing countries to study in Canada




Hastings District comprises of a delegated person from each branch to represent them in decisions made at this level of the Women’s Institute. These representatives are Directors. We also have an elected President, First Vice President , Secretary and Treasurer who is required to be a member in good standing. Our focus is to be supportive of the branches and arrange different functions at the District and Area level. We are part of the Trent Valley Area.




The District W.I. meets to plan functions and discuss business that arises in our county. At present we represent 10 branches. Our discussions are managed by the use of The F.W.I.O Handbook . We have various categories that we strive to follow: Tweedsmuir history, Rose Program(educational pursuit), and Public Relations. We are proud of our Bursary program which is affiliated with Loyalist College in Belleville. We are promoting our group to new members who may be keen on contributing to our the county or municipality.




Each of our Women’s Institute Branches develops a program for the year and meets at regular week times. At these meetings the ladies promote leadership qualities, public speaking endeavors and engages their members in learning domestic skills and subjects of interest. From these meetings, we become more responsible citizens and learn how to resolve needs in the communities. The District President is invited to visit these branches and meet with the members . Relationships are developed over the years  that are invaluable.




As a District we have supported many community endeavors. Last year we donated to research of Lyme Disease  at University of Guelph. Breakfast for Learning was a focus of our programs. We have been working on our Tweedmuir History with Prince Edward county and have attempted to get this history online from our various branches. A lot of the branches operate and maintain a community hall which they rent out for functions throughout the county. Almost Home in Kingston has also enjoyed our support.




We advocate for change in our county. If you want to become active and engaging in your home municipality, join us in all the wonderful things we accomplish.



Interested in visiting the Erland Lee Museum?   Take a tour....