Springbrook - Wellmans


3'rd Wednesday of each month at our hall, located at 9 Maple Rd., Stirling



 Donna Russett at 613-395-4305


Mailing Address:

177 Maple Road,

RR #3

Stirling, Ont.

K0K 3E0

Our History


In the year nineteen hundred five

With great foresight and with vision,

The Wellman's WI was formed

And all worked with no division.


Wellman's Corners once boasted a general store, blacksmith, a carriage shop, cheese factory, church, Orange Hall, school, train station, a grist and sawmill, a shoemaker and a dress maker.


In the War Years each did her part,

To help the Red Cross they knit socks;

Though times were hard, they felt rich indeed

When they sent overseas a packed box.


The cemetery today is a symbol

Of some of their work long ago;

They worked hard to make it attractive,

Its our heritage, this we well know.


The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Provided us with knowledge indeed

And the leadership and short courses

Educated citizens who will lead.


We've sponsored some swimming lessons,

When they traveled to the Kiwanis pool;

For years we had leaders in 4-H

and hosted card parties as well.


We purchased the Wellman's United Church in 1969

To give us a Community Hall and meeting place;

Here we've held Christmas concerts and Fellowship nights

And hosted special events and anniversaries.


We helped distribute the blue boxes

Always working hand in hand

To keep our environment healthy

And make Canada a better land.


We've supported WI projects of worth,

We've worked for the bazaar and the fair;

We've visited places of interest

And heard talks on how to be healthy and the value of having a will.


We welcomed Springbrook members

Who joined us in 2011;

We've held quilting bees and cleaning bees,

And catered for weddings, Sale Barn and funerals.


We support the Hastings County Museum of Agricultural Heritage

As well as Canada Comforts.


Over the years our members have worked hard

To keep the hall in the community and support different fund raisers

That are necessary for the maintenance and upkeep.


In the fall of 2016 we planted 150 red and white tulip bulbs

To commemorate Canada's 150th Anniversary. 

As we continue into a second century of “personal growth and community action”, we will continue to encourage responsible citizens, promote family life skills and revitalize community spirit.

Current Activities

Planned Events