

We meet on the 1'st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm at our hall on 29 Main Street in the village of Lonsdale.



Our President is Carmel Bell and she can be contacted at 613-396-5466


Mailing Address

29 Main St.

Marysville, Ont.

K0K 2N0

History of the Lonsdale Women's Institute

The Lonsdale Women's Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to making our community a better place in which to live and to promote a happy social life.


On April 18, 1968, fearing that the limestone school house nearing the century mark would be demolished.    Eleven concerned ladies of the area met to see what could be done to save this historical landmark.


To form a branch of Women's Institute seemed to be the answer and following much discussion of ways to finance, insurance and upkeep, a second meeting was planned.  With guidance of the Hastings East, District President the Lonsdale branch was formed.


The branch purchased the former school on Lonsdale from the Tyendinaga Township  for the cost of $1.00.   We have fully  maintained  its historic role in the community.


Our members have raised funds through the years to furnish and operate the school and are very proud of the work we have done.


We continue to do fund raising, catering as well as donating to charities and financially helping folks in our community.   In 2018 we also donated money to the Lennox & Addington County Hospital in Napanee.


As we begin our 51'st year as Lonsdale Women's Institute our members are dedicated to our community and hold dear the friendship we have made over the years.

Lonsdale W.I. Program 2023/2024


Sept 13/2023

Roll Call - Summer Highlights

Meeting to start at 630

Auction and Guests - 730

Program/Conv - Auction

Lunch - All Members


Oct 4/2023

Roll Call - Favourite Memory of WI

Collection - In lieu of monthly collection     

                         (stays in our group)

Program/Conv - Guests Nancy - Trent Valley  

        Pres., Jane - District Pres. and                           

        Gayle - Area Voting Delegate/Carm                                 

Lunch - Carm/Leona


Nov 1/2023

Roll Call - Wear Poppy- Canadian trivia Question

Program/Conv - Human Trafficking/Linda

Lunch - Tanya/Cathy


Dec 6/2023

Dinner out - Conv - Erica


Jan 2024 - No Meeting


 Feb 7/2024

Roll Call - Picture of you as a child & explain

Program - Tweedsmuir additions, update 


Pot Luck @ Rita Taylors Resident

1-Dessert 2-Salad/Veg 3-Main Dish


Mar 6/2024

Roll Call - Irish Joke

Program/Conv - Craft- Margaret and Cathy Collection - Rural Women in Action (PFF)

Lunch - Linda/Kayla


April 3/2024

Roll Call - Best Prank/ April fools joke you


Dues _____________

Annual Meeting- Installation of Officers

Lunch - Erica/Jessica


May 1/2024

Roll Call - Summer Plans

Program - Make up programs for next year any

                     unfinished Business

Lunch - Margaret/Rita T


June 5/2024

Dinner Out

Convenor - ________________

Current Activities

Lyme Disease Presentation

It was a full house for the Lonsdale W.I on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 for their Lyme Disease presentation.    Aptie Sookoo was the special guest speaker from Hastings Prince Edward Public Health.    It was a hot and timely subject as Aptie provided numerous and very helpful hints on avoiding ticks and protecting yourself from the dreaded Lyme Disease.


If you think you know everything about Ticks and Lyme Disease try this test..

Test Your Knowledge Here.

50 Year Pins presented to four Lonsdale members

Over 200 years of service collectively. From L-R Mary Walsh, Carmel Bell, Reeve Rick Phillips, Mary Stafford and Rita Farrell. Founding members of the Lonsdale Women’s Institute each
received 50 year service recognition pins on Oct 2, 2019. Tyendinaga Township Reeve Rick Phillips was on hand to present the ladies with the recognition pins and flowers.


A couple little known facts about the Lonsdale Women’s institute.    The first meeting was held in a home now occupied by Mike Bossio. The school house that is now home to the ladies
meetings and owned by Lonsdale Women’s Institute was purchased by the current President’s husband for a dollar and founded on April 18, 1968.


Women’s Institutes have been behind many improvements to the Canadian society. Some of the improvements that we now take for granted that came about due to this group are: provincial roads being painted with white lines, milk pasteurization, clear marking on poison containers,
mandatory stopping for school buses to name just a few.


The Lonsdale Women’s Institute provides fun and friendship at monthly meetings and activities.    New members welcomed.  Meetings are the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Contact: Carmel Bell 613-396-5466

Email our Branch Here

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