

2'ndWednesday of every month at 1:30 p.m.



 Linda Lain at 613-395-0372


Mailing Address


Our History

The Ivanhoe branch of Women's Institute was first organized in 1910.    The first meeting was held at the Orange Hall in West Huntingdon.    There were 22 members in attendance.    The first President was Mrs. Andrew Downey and the Secretary Treasurer was Mrs. Netty Benson.   There were only two officers chosen at this time.    The first meeting was on the Production of Eggs and some of the other subjects later discussed were Children's Rights and Cake Baking.


Ivanhoe W.I. bought the first school bell and held Halloween parties each year so the children would be safe and not cause mischief.   The W.I. also purchased dishes, utensils and curtains for the hall, so catering could be done in the hall.


Over the years the branch has donated money to many groups.   Some of the groups donated to has been $1300. to the the Belleville General Hospital, Madoc Lions, Madoc Hospice, and the Huntington Disease Society in memory of a past member with the disease.


The Ivanhoe branch has also planted two trees in recent years , one at the Ivanhoe Fire Hall and the other at the Moira Hall.   The environment is always important to our group.


The group today has 7 members and meets every 2'nd Wednesday of the month.   We meet at each others home and still have lively discussions and enlightening programs.   Anyone who wishes to join or needs more information can call Linda Lain at 613-395-0372.    New members are always welcome.