Current News from the District & Branches

Bethel-Zion Branch Hosts a Victorian Tea


On June 22, 2019, Bethel-Zion Branch hosted their Rose Programme: a Victorian Tea.


What a wonderful day! The weather was perfect, sunny and not too hot, with a good breeze, which thankfully kept the mosquitoes at bay.


Of the 34 guests present, 23 were Women’s Institute members, with the remainder being friends and neighbours.


We walked through the gardens scented by the blooms of Mock Orange, Peonies, Roses and Irises. Under the shade of locust trees, we enjoyed delicious, dainty sandwiches, lemon curd, scones and a host of other yummy desserts. We even had an opportunity to glimpse a pair of nesting bluebirds. In true Victorian Tea tradition, we had music. One of our members played her ukulele, accompanied by her friend, Annette, who entertained us with a few songs. And we had tea! What an afternoon!


Many of the women in the spirit of a Victorian Tea, were dressed in elegant dresses and wore lovely hats. We put away our cares and duties for several hours as we relaxed and visited. It was a treat that we all enjoyed!