
3'rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm




Bianca Brown at 613-477-2711



Mailing Address:

Bianca Brown

688 Zion Road

Stirling, On




Our History

Organized in 1912, the Bethel Zion Women's Institute continues to be an interesting, educational and friendly group.  We meet the third Thursday of the month in our members’ homes.  In 2019, we have 9 active members.


At our meetings in recent years, we have invited a wide variety of speakers from the health community, local council members, special interest groups and small local businesses. We annually offer a ROSE program for community members, guests and district WI members.  Our meetings are informative and fun.  As well, we do field trips, attend local theatres and of course, dine out.


Through the years our Branch has continued to support a number of local community projects: the Christmas Sharing Program in Belleville, Christmas cookies and other needed supplies for Three Oaks Home for Women, treats for Cheshire Home, “Twiddle Muffs” for Alzheimer patients, and Teddy Bears to comfort children with family tragedies.  In the past, we contributed to care packages for Canadian Troops.


We were especially proud of successfully solving two community safety issues. We petitioned for better signage and road turning markings on Highway 37.  Also, as a result of our initiative, the City of Belleville installed a flashing red signal at the intersection of Phillipston and Zion roads.  Both projects are making our community roads safer.


 Over the years, our local history has been well documented by our Tweedmuir Curators. Of particular note, are the detailed and entertaining contributions made by our local historian, Luella Sills.  The Tweedsmuir books have recently been digitized.  These, as well as Bethel Zion’s original minute books, are available to the public for viewing at the Belleville Public Library. 


Our Victorian Tea - June 22, 2019

On June 22, 2019, Bethel-Zion Branch hosted their Rose Programme: a Victorian Tea.


What a wonderful day! The weather was perfect, sunny and not too hot, with a good breeze, which thankfully kept the mosquitoes at bay.


Of the 34 guests present, 23 were Women’s Institute members, with the remainder being friends and neighbours.


We walked through the gardens scented by the blooms of Mock Orange, Peonies, Roses and Irises. Under the shade of locust trees, we enjoyed delicious, dainty sandwiches, lemon curd, scones and a host of other yummy desserts. We even had an opportunity to glimpse a pair of nesting bluebirds. In true Victorian Tea tradition, we had music. One of our members played her ukulele, accompanied by her friend, Annette, who entertained us with a few songs. And we had tea! What an afternoon!


Many of the women in the spirit of a Victorian Tea, were dressed in elegant dresses and wore lovely hats. We put away our cares and duties for several hours as we relaxed and visited. It was a treat that we all enjoyed!




Enjoying the company.



Sue McConnell and a special guest, Dorothy Fargey Shaw.



A table full of delicious serving trays of treats.




Enjoying the company.



Bethel Zion branch members, dressed up and ready to host.



Our guests enjoying their Victorian Tea and one another's company.

Supporting Local Businesses


Barn Owl Malt


For several years we have been driving by this hidden treasure on the big bend on Zion Road.  Finally, on May 16, our branch members and several husbands found out what this exclusive new family business in the neighbourhood was all about.  Barn Owl Malt was established in 2015 by owner/operators Leslie and Devin Huffman. After much research into the production of barley malt following the process used in the 1800’s,  they set about building the barn and much of the equipment required to operate their unique Barley  Malting business.  Together they sourced the barley used to make the malt and established local markets for the finished malt. Devin, a certified maltster, gave us an informative and very worthwhile tour.  Here we are pictured tasting some of the processed malt.

Celebration Activities

Sandra Johnston received her Life Membership Certificate in 2016







Phyllis Lott awarded her Life Membership in March 2018.

Isn't it amazing what we can do when we have a teacher as excellent as Audrey Thompson?   This March our branch members and several guests enjoyed an evening learning how to paint under the guidance of Audrey.   What a great evening!     You can see how proud we are of our work and we had so much fun producing our works of art.

On June 16, 2016, seven members of Bethel Zion Branch had a wonderful lunch at O’Connor House in Deseronto.  We are all smiling because the food was as delicious as it looked.  The venue, atmosphere and presentation of the food were top notch



Recently, Cathy Sucee was presented with her 25 Year Pin by Sandra Johnston. 

Susan McConnell receives 25 Year Pin with her mother Lois Ray, a 65 Year Member



 Mary Andrews Minigan and guest at Our Victorian Tea in 2018

Lois Ray and Phyllis Lott also received their 65 year pins!  What an amazing accomplishment.  During their involvement with WI, these dedicated ladies led WI courses, held a wide variety of offices in WI, attended and hosted meetings.  All the while, they simultaneously raised wonderful (and large) families, worked hard on their farms,  were involved with their church, sewed, canned and, in other words, worked non-stop.  How did they manage to do it all?  No wonder they are able to bring such amazing organizational skills to WI meetings.  Recognition and respect for the many accomplishments of these two loyal WI women is well deserved. 



Bethel Lions Women's Institute Celebrating 100 Years of service in their community.




Our Victorian Tea in 2018